
Os nossos grupos fechados de Inglês Geral oferecem oportunidades de aprendizagem para qualquer pessoa, amigos, colegas, parceiros de negócios, colegas de turma, colegas de trabalho, ou mesmo qualquer grupo de pessoas que desejam sair de férias juntas e trabalhar em equipe para melhorar as suas competências linguísticas, partilhando uma experiência de aprendizagem coletiva e criando laços através dos desafios e realizações da aprendizagem de uma língua, seja em Inglês Geral, em Inglês com temas específicos ou na área de preparação para exames.


  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 10
  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 20
  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 30
  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 40
  • Tema do Curso
  • Estudantes
  • Níveis disponíveis
  • Mínimo de Estudantes Necessários por Grupo
  • Duração Mínima

Grupos para Adultos

Temas Especiais
  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 10 10 aulas por semana (1,5 hora por dia)
  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 20 20 aulas por semana (3 horas por dia)
  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 30 30 aulas por semana (4,5 horas por dia)
  • Aulas de Inglês em Grupo 40 40 aulas por semana (6 horas por dia)
  • Tema do Curso Adaptado às necessidades do grupo
  • Estudantes 18+
  • Níveis disponíveis Todos
  • Mínimo de Estudantes Necessários por Grupo 5
  • Duração Mínima 1 semana

Para quem são os cursos?

A aprendizagem em grupo pode ser uma espécie de exercício de construção de equipe para uma empresa, umas férias de estudo para amigos à procura de um tipo de férias inovadora, ou um ritual de despedida de solteira para uma futura noiva e a sua equipe de damas de honra antes de casar com um rapaz de língua inglesa (não é brincadeira!). O objetivo é combinar aulas em sala de aula com uma experiência cultural imersiva, organizando diferentes atividades e excursões pelas ilhas maltesas, permitindo ao seu grupo praticar inglês e aumentar a sua confiança na língua através de situações da vida real e aventuras partilhadas em conjunto.

O seu grupo levará para casa algumas memórias fantásticas do tempo em Malta e da experiência de conexão por ajudar uns aos outros a aprender, bem como confiança e orgulho por ampliarem suas competências linguísticas. Venham juntos, aprendam juntos, alcancem juntos!

Mais detalhes

A duração do curso é medida pelo número de semanas, de modo a permitir que os estudantes adaptem a duração de seus estudos de acordo com suas necessidades particulares.

Temos uma vasta gama de programas à sua escolha, mas também podemos desenvolver um curso único exclusivamente para o seu grupo. Os nossos cursos de grupo fechado têm um programa que pode ser moldado precisamente para se adequar às necessidades do seu grupo, com o conteúdo da aula e as atividades/excursões adaptadas em conformidade. O programa de estudos pode ser preparado para se concentrar em:

  1. Preparação para os exames PET, FCE, CAE e CPE de Cambridge (incluindo PON na Itália e qualquer outro projeto de financiamento da UE) e Inglês Geral para comunicação.
  2. E/ ou qualquer uma das seguintes áreas:
    • Inglês para Fins Acadêmicos
    • Inglês para Negócios
    • Habilidades de estudo
    • Inglês para CLIL (Arte, Matemática, Química, Literatura, Direito da UE, etc.)
    • Vida e cultura Maltesa
    • Preparação para exames de língua inglesa
    • Pronunciação
    • Projeto de Inglês
    • Temas especiais (veja abaixo algumas das possibilidades)

ACE English Malta pode organizar cursos especializados para durar desde alguns dias até várias semanas, e grupos fechados podem iniciar as aulas em qualquer dia da semana e em qualquer época do ano.

Personalised Subject Descriptions


This course is designed for high B2+ ESL students. The main goal is to provide them with adequate English proficiency to perform academic reading, writing, speaking and listening, plus acquire the appropriate skills in giving oral presentations, self-correcting for accuracy, writing essays and note-taking, summarizing and analysis tasks. Students will will also be tasked with writing simple academic papers.


Our Aviation English courses are designed to meet the ICAO requirements. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) requires all Aviation Personnel (pilots, air traffic controllers and all others who may be required to use radio telephony (R/T) on international routes to be at Level 4 (Operational) or above. This course is a must for students who are concerned with meeting the ICAO language proficiency requirements.


ICAO grades English Language Performance by a scale of 6 levels:


  • Level 1: Pre-Elementary
  • Level 2: Elementary
  • Level 3: Pre-Operational
  • Level 4: Operational
  • Level 5: Extended
  • Level 6: Expert


This course will increase a student’s confidence and further his/ hercareer in Finance through use of vocabulary, terms and concepts of financial English. This course covers English for:

  • Financial Reporting & Presentations
  • Accounting
  • Acquisitions & Mergers
  • Managing Cash Flows
  • Budgetary Processes
  • Development Issues
  • Company Financial Strategy


The present place of English being used as the main language for international communication means that it is important that people working in the Hospitality Industry should speak it well. This ’Plus’ course introduces English for Hospitality, working on main language points and important vocabulary related to the industry. Skills developed:

  • Language: Reading, Writing, Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking, Comprehension and Pronunciation.
  • English for Hospitality.
  • Hotel and Restaurant English.
  • Customer service skills and relationships.


Medical Professionals – This course is for doctors, medical students and other medical professionals who need to use English in their work in order to develop their careers. The course covers medical terminology, practice in specialist vocabulary and a review of basic grammatical structures. Students learn how to communicate with patients and colleagues, how to speak at seminars and medical meetings and how to read and write medical papers.

Nurses – Our English for Nursing course is designed to improve communication skills and equip nurses, carers and administrators with specialist English language knowledge of the healthcare environment to enable them to work more confidently in their job. The course concentrates on all aspects of the language, with extra focus on speaking and listening. The course is designed to give students experience in day-to-day nursing activities such as patient registration, patient handover and post-operation assessment. ACE English Malta also provides the facility for the needs of qualified nurses who are required to obtain 7.0 in an IELTS exam in all four areas tested (reading, writing, listening and speaking).

Practical Methodology:

This course is aimed at developing and improving the English Language skills of teachers of English for primary school students. Participants are presented with the latest practical methodologies in interactive sessions and workshops with interesting ideas and activities. Importance will be given to methods used to motivate young pupils that involve their versatile imaginations.

Practical Methodology:
Interactive Board

This course is aimed at developing and improving the methodological and pedagogical IT skills of teachers of English. The Interactive Flat Panel, known as IFP(the next generation of IWB - Interactive Whiteboard), revolution is now sweeping into English language classrooms, but many teachers are still unsure and afraid of the multi-sensory potential of the IFP, or lack sufficient IFP training.

Architecture & Civil Engineering

The English for Architecture, Landscaping and Urban Planning course is intended for the practice of different language abilities while discussing different aspects of the topic. At the end of the course, students will be able to use vocabulary related to the specialised topic, while at the same time have the opportunity to develop their collaborative skills.


Business 1 to 1 optimises teaching time by encouraging the teacher and the learner to work together as equal partners. Students can identify their needs quickly and easily, and teachers can build a personalised syllabus that covers exactly what their student needs.

Business 1 to 1 covers a variety of core business skills such as dealing with people, projects, and meetings. It also provides techniques and tips on travelling, socializing, and communicating by telephone and email.

General English

Teachers have the chance to customise each lesson to their student’s needs, and the possibility to target activities to a student's strengths and weaknesses is a huge plus. The student has the unique opportunity for intensive practice. If the student speaks for most of the lesson, he or she will make progress faster and the same goes for other skills. Since it is one-to-one, students can choose exactly what they want to concentrate on - this could be anything from intensive work on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, speaking or listening, to more specialised areas.


This course covers the main aspects of Legal English and is ideal for students who would like to improve their English skills for use in a variety of legal contexts in their professional capacity. It consists of specialist law-related topics and the option to prepare for the ILEC exam. Skills developed:

  • Language: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation
  • Legal English Terminology: Criminal Vocabulary, Court Jargon, Employment Law, Intellectual Property, Company
  • Law and Property Law.
  • Presentation Skills
  • Formal Letter Writing
  • Optional Preparation for Cambridge ILEC Exam


English with Photography gives the student the opportunity to polish their English and acquire the ability to use the correct descriptive language when defining a photograph or an image. Students also practise giving their opinions and expressing their attitudes towards photographs and photography in general.

Practical Methodology:

This course is aimed at developing and improving the English Language skills of teachers of English for adults and secondary school students. Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas and personal experiences, as well as gather and exploit authentic materials in English that can be used in the classroom. They will be able to observe use of updated methodologies with bona-fide students.

Practical Methodology:

This course is for teachers who teach subjects such as geography, history, mathematics, etc. through the English language to non-native speakers of English whether primary or secondary students. Participants are given the opportunity to share their own successes and difficulties within specifically created workshops. Project workshops are set up with materials presented on the course. Participants collaborate on producing new materials or adapting existing ones to their own teaching environments. Successful and accurate assessment of learners will be discussed with various methods presented for participants to analyse.

Art & Design

This course consists of specialist English related to art and design disciplines. It also includes functional language, vocabulary and methods of appreciating or critiquing art in its various forms. It is ideal for students who need to improve their English for study or employment while preparing a portfolio of artwork.

Exam Preparation

Students get more personal attention when studying directly with their teacher so they speak a lot more and get much more feedback and correction on their writing and speaking as well as more targeted advice on how to improve exam reading and listening scores.

Students receive continuous feedback and detailed correction and advice on speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar related to their particular exam.

Historical & Cultural

On an island that uniquely boasts a history ranging from the Prehistoric, the Classical and Medieval, the Knights of Malta in the Renaissance, the French and British occupation, right up to present day independence, Malta is a cornucopia of historical facts, buildings, art, anecdotes and much more. This course combines learning English with Maltese history with special coverage of terms and vocabulary used when visiting or describing places of interest.


If a student is at nautical school, wants to attend nautical school or is already a mariner, then this is the course for them. There are many versions of the English language in the world. Maritime English is a product of life on the ocean itself and since crews have become ever more international in character, English (being a world language), has filled the gap. The course syllabus covers the mandatory minimum requirements prescribed in Section A- II/4 of STCW’95, Standard Marine Communication Phrases.

  • Part B-VI/1 to teach basic Maritime English
  • Develop trainees’ ability to use English to Lower Intermediate language level and improve trainees’ competence in English
  • Prepare trainees’ for developing the full knowledge, understanding and proficiency in English required by STCW
  • 1995 Code

Travel & Tourism

The present place of English being used as the main language for international communication means that it is important that people dealing with tourists of any kind should speak it well. This ’Plus’ course introduces different aspects of English for tourism, working on main language points and important vocabulary through a variety of areas related to the tourist industry. Skills developed:

  • Language: Reading, Writing, Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking, Comprehension and Pronunciation.
  • English for Tourism Studies.
  • English for Travel Agents.
  • English for Tourist Guides.

Practical Methodology:

This course is aimed at developing and improving the methodological and pedagogical skills of non-native teachers of English for young school learners with learning disabilities. While learning about new teaching tools, participants will be able to do important research into modern learning disability methodology ensuring that their learners take the teaching from their short term to their long term memory.

Personalised Subject Descriptions


This course is designed for high B2+ ESL students. The main goal is to provide them with adequate English proficiency to perform academic reading, writing, speaking and listening, plus acquire the appropriate skills in giving oral presentations, self-correcting for accuracy, writing multi-essay compositions and note-taking, summarizing and analysis tasks. Students will simple academic papers.

Architecture & Civil Engineering

The English for Architecture, Landscaping and Urban Planning course is intended for the practice of different language abilities while discussing different aspects of the topic. At the end of the course students be able to use vocabulary related to the specialised topic, while at the same time have the opportunity to develop their collaborative skills.

Art & Design

This course consists of specialist English related to art and design disciplines. It also includes functional language, vocabulary and methods of appreciating or critiquing art in its various forms. It is ideal for students who need to improve their English for study or employment while preparing a portfolio of artwork.


Our Aviation English courses are designed to meet the ICAO requirements. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) requires all Aviation Personnel (pilots, air traffic controllers and all others who may be required to use radio telephony (R/T) on international routes to be at Level 4 (Operational) or above. This course is a must for students who are concerned with meeting the ICAO language proficiency requirements.

ICAO grades English Language Performance by a scale of 6 levels:

  • Level 1: Pre-Elementary
  • Level 2: Elementary
  • Level 3: Pre-Operational
  • Level 4: Operational
  • Level 5: Extended

  • Level 6: Expert


Business 1 to 1 optimises teaching time by encouraging teacher and learner to work together as equal partners. Students can identify their needs quickly and easily, and teachers can build a personalised syllabus that covers exactly what their student needs.
Business 1 to 1 covers a variety of core business skills such as dealing with people, projects, and meetings. It also provides techniques and tips on travelling, socializing, and communicating by telephone and email.

Exam Preparation

Students get more personal attention when studying directly with their teacher so they speak a lot more and get much more feedback and correction on their writing and speaking as well as more targeted advice on how to improve exam reading and listening scores.
Students receive continuous feedback and detailed correction and advice on speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar related to their particular exam.


This course will increase students’ confidence and further their career in Finance through use of vocabulary, terms and concepts of financial English.

This course covers English for:

  • Financial Reporting & Presentations
  • Accounting
  • Acquisitions & Mergers
  • Managing Cash Flows
  • Budgetary Processes
  • Development Issues
  • Company Financial Strategy

General English

Teachers have the chance to customize each lesson to their student’s needs, and the possibility to target activities to a student's strengths and weaknesses is a huge plus. The student has the unique opportunity for intensive practice. If the student speaks for most of the lesson, he or she will make progress faster. And the same goes for other skills. Since it is one-to-one, students can choose exactly what they want to concentrate on - this could be anything from intensive work on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, speaking or listening, to more specialised areas.

Historical & Cultural

On an island that uniquely boasts a history ranging from the Pre-historic, the Classical and Medieval, the Knights of Malta in the renaissance period, the French and British occupation right up to present day independence, Malta is a cornucopia of historical facts, buildings, art, anecdotes and much more. This course combines learning English with Maltese history with special coverage of terms and vocabulary used when visiting or describing places of interest.


The present place of English as the main language used for international communication means that it is important that people working in the Hospitality industry should speak it well. This ’Plus’ course introduces English for Hospitality, working on main language points and important vocabulary related to the industry.
Skills developed:

  • Language: Reading, Writing, Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking, Comprehension and Pronunciation.
  • English for Hospitality.
  • Hotel and restaurant English.
  • Customer service skills and relationships.


This course covers the main aspects of legal English and is ideal for students who would like to improve their English skills for use in a variety of legal contexts in their professional capacity. It consists of specialist law-related topics and the option to prepare for the ILEC exam.
Skills developed:

  • Language: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation
  • Legal English Terminology: Criminal Vocabulary, Court Jargon, Employment Law, Intellectual Property, Company
  • Law and Property Law.
  • Presentation Skills
  • Formal Letter Writing
  • Optional Preparation for Cambridge ILEC Exam


If a student is at nautical school, wants to attend nautical school or is already a mariner then this is the course for them. There are many versions of the English language in the world. Maritime English is a product of life on the ocean itself and since crews have become ever more international in character, English (being a world language), has filled the gap.

The course syllabus covers the mandatory minimum requirements prescribed in Section A- II/4 of STCW’95, Standard Marine Communication Phrases.

  • Part B-VI/1 to teach basic maritime English
  • Develop trainees’ ability to use English to lower intermediate language level and improve trainees’ competence in
  • English
  • Prepare trainees’ for developing the full knowledge, understanding and proficiency in English required by STCW
  • 1995 Code


Medical Professionals – This course is for doctors, medical students and other medical professionals who need to use English in their work in order to develop their careers. The course covers medical terminology, practice in specialist vocabulary and a review of basic grammatical structures.
Students learn how to communicate with patients and colleagues, how to speak at seminars and medical meetings and how to read and write medical papers.

Nurses – Our English for Nursing course is designed to improve communication skills and equip nurses, carers and administrators with specialist English language knowledge of the healthcare environment to enable them to work more confidently in their job. The course concentrates on all aspects of the language with extra focus on speaking and listening. The course is designed to give students experience in day-to-day nursing activities such as patient registration, patient handover and post-operation assessment. ACE English Malta also provides the facility for the needs of qualified nurses who are required to obtain 7.0 in an IELTS exam in all four areas tested (reading, writing, listening and speaking).


English with Photography gives the student the opportunity to polish their English and acquire the ability to use the correct descriptive language when defining a photograph or an image. Students also practise giving their opinions and expressing their attitudes towards photographs and photography in general.

Travel & Tourism

The present place of English as the main language used for international communication means that it is important that people dealing with tourists of any kind should speak it well. This ’Plus’ course introduces different aspects of English for tourism, working on main language points and important vocabulary through a variety of areas related to the tourist industry. Skills developed:

  • Language: Reading, Writing, Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking, Comprehension and Pronunciation.
  • English for Tourism Studies.
  • English for Travel Agents.
  • English for Tourist Guides.

Practical Methodology:

This course is aimed at developing and improving the English Language skills of teachers of English for primary school students. Participants are presented with the latest practical methodologies in interactive sessions and workshops with interesting ideas and activities. Importance will be given to methods used to motivate young pupils that involve their versatile imaginations.

Practical Methodology:

This course is aimed at developing and improving the English Language skills of teachers of English for adults and secondary school students. Participants will have the opportunity to share ideas and personal experiences, gather and exploit authentic materials in English that can be used in the classroom. They will be able to observe use of updated methodologies with bona-fide students.

Practical Methodology:

This course is aimed at developing and improving the methodological and pedagogical skills of non-native teachers of English for young school learners with learning disabilities. While learning about new teaching tools, participants will be able to do important research into modern learning disability methodology ensuring that their learners take the teaching from their short term to their long term memory.

Practical Methodology:

The course is for teachers who teach subjects such as geography, history, mathematics, etc. through the English language to non-native speakers of English whether primary or secondary students. Participants are given the opportunity to share their own successes and difficulties within specifically created workshops. Project workshops are set up with materials presented on the course. Participants collaborate on producing new materials or adapting existing ones to their own teaching environments. Successful and accurate assessment of learners will be discussed with various methods presented for participants to analyze.

Practical Methodology:
Interactive Board

This course is aimed at developing and improving the methodological and pedagogical IT skills of teachers of English. The Interactive Flat Panel, known as IFP(the next generation of IWB - Interactive Whiteboard), revolution is now sweeping into English language classrooms, but many teachers are still unsure and afraid of the multi-sensory potential of the IFP, or lack sufficient IFP training.

Interessado em aprender inglês conosco?

Gostaria de saber mais sobre os nossos cursos?

Os nossos preços incluem

  • Curso conforme reservado
  • Materiais do Curso
  • Teste de Nível Online
  • Kit de boas-vindas
  • Cartão de estudante
  • Mapa do aluno
  • Cartão SIM para celular
  • Wi-Fi grátis
  • Internet Café da Escola
  • Festas semanais de boas vindas aos estudantes
  • Avaliação Acadêmica Mensal Individual
  • Teste mensal de progresso
  • Certificado do Curso
  • Certificado Europass de Mobilidade
  • Assistência Social 24/7

Livro do Curso (Apenas para Ace Group 20/30)

Os alunos de um curso para adultos recebem um livro do curso durante toda a sua estadia na escola. Os alunos precisarão adquirir livros do curso adicionais quando subirem para um nível superior ou mudarem de curso.

No caso dos alunos exigirem uma mudança de nível dentro de sua primeira semana, eles poderão trocar seus livros de curso por um novo, desde que o livro original permaneça nas mesmas condições com as quais foi fornecido.

Os alunos que não puderem coletar fisicamente seu livro do curso antes da primeira aula podem receber um código para acessar o livro online. Nesses casos, os alunos devem então coletar seu livro físico da escola no primeiro dia em que estiverem aptos.

O livro do curso inclui o acesso a um aplicativo gratuito que apresenta uma versão digital interativa do livro e atividades adicionais de prática da linguagem gamificada para preparação e consolidação das aulas.

Teste de nivelamento

Uma semana antes da sua chegada, nós enviaremos a você por e-mail (ou a sua agência enviará) uma cópia de nosso teste de nivelamento, portanto, fique atento a isso. Este teste nos ajuda a entender seu nível de Inglês e decidir a melhor turma para você, de modo a garantir a melhor experiência de aprendizado.

As aulas são disponíveis para estudantes de todas as diferentes habilidades e níveis de experiência, do Iniciante ao Avançado, com as aulas e o material didático cuidadosamente adaptados para se adequarem aos diferentes níveis, conforme descrito nas diretrizes do CEFR:

  • Beginners = A1
  • Elementary = A1+
  • Pre-Intermediate = A2
  • Intermediate = B1
  • Upper-Intermediate = B2
  • Advanced = C1

Para mais informações e detalhes sobre as Diretrizes do CEFR, clique no link a seguir: Níveis de Inglês

FAQ - Perguntas Frequentes

Qual é a duração de uma aula?

Todas as nossas aulas são de 45 minutos.

Quantas pessoas compõem um grupo?

O grupo precisa ser constituído por um mínimo de 5 alunos.

Que horas tenho que chegar no primeiro dia?

No seu primeiro dia, você deve estar na escola às 07:30 da manhã.

Posso decidir o horário das minhas aulas?

Os horários das aulas são definidos pela escola, mas ficamos felizes em discutir as necessidades de nossos alunos a fim de cumprir o máximo possível dos seus pedidos.

Você precisa de hospedagem?

Dê uma olhada nas nossas opções de acomodação





Boa relação entre custo-benefício. A escola é nova e com ótimos equipamentos, todas as salas de aula são modernas e têm quadros de mídia, e o WiFi também é muito importante. O sistema educacional inclui aulas extras de conversação, gramática e conversação, que são gratuitas. A explicação dos professores é de fácil compreensão. A localização da escola é conveniente, pois nas proximidades há muitos cafés e restaurantes para o almoço, lojas e supermercados. Estou ansiosa para voltar novamente!




No início eu tinha um pouco de medo por causa da escola. Mas logo após minha chegada, vi que meu medo não tinha nenhuma razão. Eles me pegaram exatamente no nível em que eu estava e me ajudaram com paixão a alcançar o nível em que eu queria estar. Eles se ajudam mutuamente, riem, passam tempo juntos e exploram a ilha e sua cultura, bem como as culturas dos outros estudantes de todo o mundo.




Esta aventura inglesa em Malta mudou minha vida. Meus professores na ACE me ajudaram a melhorar meu Inglês e a completar com sucesso uma de minhas metas. A escola é muito moderna e a localização é simplesmente perfeita. Fiz novos amigos de todo o mundo e eles se tornaram parte da minha família.


He Mian


Eu vim para esta escola e ganho muito, não só por aprender Inglês, mas também pelos amigos e felicidade. Sinto-me feliz todos os dias por causa disso. Eu gosto de me comunicar com colegas e professores, eles são muito entusiastas. Eu gosto de estudar aqui.




Minha experiência como estudante na ACE English Malta tem sido incrível porque conheci pessoas de diferentes países. Até a escola tem muitas atividades que me ajudaram a melhorar meu Inglês, como aulas de conversação gratuitas, filmes à tarde ou clubes sociais. Além disso, a grande vida em Malta com as vistas espetaculares e as praias pitorescas tornam a sua aventura fora deste mundo.